I have quite a few humans in my household…..and they all like to think of themselves as my special friends…and of course they are (too cute really, who could resist them?)….but they all have their odd little foibles and quirks too ( part of the cuteness)…there’s the old girl…she generally cooks for me….hmmm, I have been training her about the virtues of fresh food, I just can’t stomach that canned stuff ( can’t tell where it has been or where it comes from either…or even just what is actually in it…) She organizes breakfast too, and snacks and treats and stuff, it makes her feel important in my life. Then there is the rough and tumble kid…he helps me to train and keep my edge in the fight against evil ( we spend a good deal of time throwing the old ball and rolling on the floor together, I believe he would have made quite a reasonable dog really…pity..), there’s the old guy….he can get a bit grumpy when I bury supplies (for emergencies you know)under his pillow and when we go for walks he insists I stroll at a dangerously slow pace beside him….he is not too keen on my lunge and kill approach to the cushions either,( but you understand I need to keep sharp and these exercises are necessary!) even so…he’s got a soft heart and a good hang dog eye or rub up against the leg, has him eating out of my hands every time! Thinks he’s the leader of this pack…hahaha… There’s the youngest Lady who seems to grasp the importance of my mission and stands up for me…..I am particularly protective of her…( although she’s not much for the rough and tumble…she is a sweety) and there is Running boy with whom I best love to walk or rather run….he favours the beach and I get to practice my Aquatic skills with him too ( I rather fancy he would make a good ally in the fight against evil) and there is the soft girl, who is into cuddles…who isn’t? ( but it does get a bit too much for my liking at times…can’t get a wink of sleep when she’s around for all the patting, kissing and coddling that goes on!)…and lastly there is the visitor girl…she comes occasionally and everyone is pleased to see her….even me, it’s nice to have variety in the pack! So there you have it, a lot of humans in my care to protect ….and a lot of humans to train into some sort of shape!! No wonder I am exhausted!!
I did the beach patrol with running boy, rough and tumble kid, the old guy and the old girl, today. There were a few hairy moments….like the retriever and his mate Kelpie…Retriever and I were trying to make friends but Kelpie would not have a bar of it…..( Jealousy I believe is one of those greater evils…) and the time my humans disappeared whilst I was chasing a suspect seagull over the dunes. They can’t really help it, they are slow, even running boy (who’s not too unfit for a human). But I was worried, they had me come all over in a shiver, boy was I glad when I saw them! It’s my job to make sure of their safety you know. Then the old guy got all nervous and insisted that I walk beside him all the way home….it was hard, especially as I could see a large (obviously evil) dog up ahead and I was thwarted in my mission once again and could not deal as I wished with him…..grrrrrrrrrrr
astral meanders May 2019
5 years ago
Hi there Sami! Nice to meet you & the pack! Welcome to Dogs With Blogs. My Mommy thinks you have the cutesrest tummy ever with all those spots like my sista, Faith. Oooh, we would love to see some pictures of you sometime. Let's be friends shall we?
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
P/S: Check out the new post in our blog. Chloe is our HERO!
Woof Sami
Desert Pups here just saying hey and it's nice to meet you. You sound like a crazy pooch and we like crazy pooches.
Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby from Life Inside The Fence
hi Amber-mae nice to meet you....I'd like to be friends...will checkmout the blog too Samixxxx
Hi desert pups...yeh, some say I am crazy! Checked out your blog...you look like pretty fun pack...the birthday party looks like a goer....cheers Sami
Woof Sami
How's it going? We've nominated you for an award. Come over and check it out.
Desert Pups
Hi Sami, welcome to Dogs With Blogs, thought I would sniff on over and introduce myself. Your pack of two leggeds sound pretty cool too! I will add you to my blogroll so I can keep up with your adventures!
Ben xxxx
Woof Sami
Just stopping by to say woof and see how you're doing.
Desert Pups
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