its been a dog gone long time since I wrote here last.....I have been busy, tourists are in town and there is a lot of yappping to do keeping them in their place....there are more strange doggies on my walks and they also need to be shown who is boss....and of course I have had many nice family visitors to lick and cuddle and take for walks.....they love me to show them about town!! I had a great Christmas day, ate more than usual ( which is saying something), sneaked a few tidbits from various softies in the extended family and was so tuckered out by it all I forgot my guarding duties for a day and just slept!! Ah well 'tis the season and all that!!
I was quite happy with my lot of presents too, sant left me some lovely doggie treats and new rubber squeaky device to practice my guarding duties with.....then there was the minty breath freshners that great granny gave me and for which I am grateful, but do not really need, my breath smells lovely!!! And there was the furry toy that I could get my teeth into for a bit, until the old girl decided that fluff everywhere was not a good look when visitors were about! I got a nice new feeding bowl too, only it could have been bigger than the last one.....
So I am enjoying hte hullaballoo in town at the momnet, never a dull moment and walks are always full of surprises!! I jsut wish the old girl would stop putting me in the ocean for a swim....I can guard her better on the sand.......
astral meanders May 2019
5 years ago